A Christian Reads "God is not great: How religion poisons everything" chapter 3 by Christopher Hitchens
Christopher Hitchens titles this chapter "A Short Digression On The Pig; or Why Heaven Hates Ham"and its not quite clear why this chapter was written. It seems random. Since this chapter is really short, my response will be brief. He starts the chapter by complaining about how Islam and Judaism doesn't eat pork, as if that effects him in any way, and then on page 38, he says: "I hope that you have guessed by now what we know in any case---that this fine beast is one of our fairly close cousins. It shares a great deal of our DNA, and there have lately been welcome transplants of skin, heart valves, and kidneys from pigs to humans--- If--which I heartily trust does not happen-- a new Dr. Moreau could corrupt recent advances in cloning and create a hybrid, a 'pig-man' is widely feared as the most probable outcome" I would like to note that there is absolutely zero evidence that we ar...