
Showing posts from November, 2021

Christian Reads Christopher Hitchens' "God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" chapter 5

 Hitchens titles this chapter "The Metaphysical Claims of Religion Are False" and he opens this chapter with this ignorant claim concerning faith:                                               "Faith of that sort-- the sort that can stand up at least for awhile in confrontation with reason-- is now plainly impossible"  This statement presupposes a false dichotomy because he makes it seem as is faith and reason are at odds with each other, but this is a misrepresentation of the biblical definition of the word "faith" which is derived from the Greek word "Pistis". According to Abarim Publications, Pistis has two basic definitions: one is a verb and the other is a noun. Abarim Publications says "The verb means to persuade or be persuaded, and the noun means faith; trust or certainty". In other words, the biblical definition of faith is "to be persuaded into trus...

A Christian Reads "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" chapter 4 by Christopher Hitchens

 Christopher Hitchens titles this chapter "A Note on Health, to Which Religion Can Be Hazardous" and  opens up this chapter with a quote by Heinrich Heine, which says:                                      "In dark ages are best guided by religion, as in a pitch black night a blind man is the best guide; he knows the roads and paths better than a man who can see. When daylight comes, however, it is foolish to use blind old men as guides"  I actually agree with this quote, but I think the irony behind this is that Hitchens was painfully unaware that it is himself and those who profess the worldview of atheism who are the ones who are "blind guides". If Christianity is true, and I believe that I've been demonstrating that it is, then the Christian worldview is more in line with reality and atheism is nothing more than a delusional fantasy. If atheism is a delusion, then it's adhere...