
Atheists Have No Moral Decency

  Recently, I had the opportunity to moderate a debate between a Christian and an atheist concerning the topic of What Is Optimal For Mental Health: Christianity or Atheism? The debate went well and I believe that the Christian made some solid points concerning the topic that the atheist could not refute. The atheist did not even attempt to refute what the Christian said concerning the topic but instead opted to talk about everything else under the sun except the topic. As the moderator, I admit that I could have done a better job at keeping him on topic, but I felt like I should give him a lot of leeway for the sake of fairness. Afterward, I wanted to debate the atheist on another topic and he originally agreed. However, when I told him I would only debate him if he showed his face, he became very volatile and disrespectful. He even began talking trash about my wife. Needless to say, I told him that the debate is no longer on the table until he agrees to show his face and apologiz...

Christian Reads Christopher Hitchens' "God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" chapter 5

 Hitchens titles this chapter "The Metaphysical Claims of Religion Are False" and he opens this chapter with this ignorant claim concerning faith:                                               "Faith of that sort-- the sort that can stand up at least for awhile in confrontation with reason-- is now plainly impossible"  This statement presupposes a false dichotomy because he makes it seem as is faith and reason are at odds with each other, but this is a misrepresentation of the biblical definition of the word "faith" which is derived from the Greek word "Pistis". According to Abarim Publications, Pistis has two basic definitions: one is a verb and the other is a noun. Abarim Publications says "The verb means to persuade or be persuaded, and the noun means faith; trust or certainty". In other words, the biblical definition of faith is "to be persuaded into trus...

A Christian Reads "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" chapter 4 by Christopher Hitchens

 Christopher Hitchens titles this chapter "A Note on Health, to Which Religion Can Be Hazardous" and  opens up this chapter with a quote by Heinrich Heine, which says:                                      "In dark ages are best guided by religion, as in a pitch black night a blind man is the best guide; he knows the roads and paths better than a man who can see. When daylight comes, however, it is foolish to use blind old men as guides"  I actually agree with this quote, but I think the irony behind this is that Hitchens was painfully unaware that it is himself and those who profess the worldview of atheism who are the ones who are "blind guides". If Christianity is true, and I believe that I've been demonstrating that it is, then the Christian worldview is more in line with reality and atheism is nothing more than a delusional fantasy. If atheism is a delusion, then it's adhere...

A Christian Reads "God is not great: How religion poisons everything" chapter 3 by Christopher Hitchens

 Christopher Hitchens titles this chapter "A Short Digression On The Pig; or Why Heaven Hates Ham"and its not quite clear why this chapter was written. It seems random. Since this chapter is really short, my response will be brief. He starts the chapter by complaining about how Islam and Judaism doesn't eat pork, as if that effects him in any way, and then on page 38, he says:                           "I hope that you have guessed by now what we know in any case---that this fine beast is one of our fairly close cousins. It shares a great deal of our DNA, and there have lately been welcome transplants of skin, heart valves, and kidneys from pigs to humans--- If--which I heartily trust does not happen-- a new Dr. Moreau could corrupt recent advances in cloning and create a hybrid, a 'pig-man' is widely feared as the most probable outcome"  I would like to note that there is absolutely zero evidence that we ar...

A Christian Reads "God is not great: how religion poisons everything" by Christopher Hitchens Chapter 2

 Christopher Hitchens begins this chapter with a quote pretty much sums up what the reader is to expect from this chapter. The quote is by someone named Lucretius and it says:                               "To such heights of evil are men driven by religion."  As some of you may already tell, the rest of this chapter is going to be one monumental emotional appeal fallacy. What is an emotional appeal fallacy? Well, according to, an emotional appeal fallacy is "a logical fallacy, whereby a debater attempts to win an argument by trying to get an emotional reaction out of the opponent and audience". Reading this chapter has reminded me of something Dr. William Lane Craig has said before:                              "The span of books by the New Atheists are not sophisticated philosophical books, but instead ar...

A Christian Reads "God is not great: how religion poisons everything" by Christopher Hitchens Chapter 1

 Christopher Hitchens opens up the chapter by guilt-tripping his audience by telling them that if they are going to try to "identify the sins and deformities" that caused him to write this book, then they will be "defiling the memory of a good, sincere, simple  woman of stable and decent faith named Mrs. Jean Watts". Well, no offense to Mrs. Watts, but I honestly do not care about her memory. However, for the sake of honoring my Lord I will refrain from trying to point out Mr. Hitchens' "sins and deformities". I will just stick to critiquing his arguments that he makes in this chapter. Now, before I continue I do want to say that I am not neutral nor do I pretend to be neutral. I have a specific perspective (which you would know if you read my first blog). There is no such thing as neutrality anyway. No one is truly neutral and if someone tells you they are then they are either ignorant or intentionally being dishonest.  Anyways, so Hitchens goes on to...