Atheists Have No Moral Decency

Recently, I had the opportunity to moderate a debate between a Christian and an atheist concerning the topic of What Is Optimal For Mental Health: Christianity or Atheism? The debate went well and I believe that the Christian made some solid points concerning the topic that the atheist could not refute. The atheist did not even attempt to refute what the Christian said concerning the topic but instead opted to talk about everything else under the sun except the topic. As the moderator, I admit that I could have done a better job at keeping him on topic, but I felt like I should give him a lot of leeway for the sake of fairness. Afterward, I wanted to debate the atheist on another topic and he originally agreed. However, when I told him I would only debate him if he showed his face, he became very volatile and disrespectful. He even began talking trash about my wife. Needless to say, I told him that the debate is no longer on the table until he agrees to show his face and apologiz...